I started drinking regularly when I was 17/18 and have done it constantly since then (except maybe for a couple of years when I preferred to take a smoke). I've always just assumed that it makes a night out better, that it makes me more comfortable, that wine makes the meal, that gigs need beers.
But I've nothing to compare it against, how do I know what life is like without alcohol? I was a fucking tit when I was 18 so any life decisions I made around then must be viewed with serious scepticism.
I wrote that list on Feb 8th 2013 but I just wasn't ready to quit. I feel ready now. I'm still reticent to tell people I've stopped drinking and the furthest I've committed too is June (when I do the Edinburgh Marathon and Tough Mudder) but in my head (and my heart) I've already had my last drink.
I'm on my 20th day sober and so far have avoided any real challenges. I was out with some friends for a burger on Friday and initially 4 beers were ordered but I was happy with a bottle of the house water. Later there was a spare beer but I didn't feel at all urged to take it. Saturday night I was at a gig and had to hold my friends beer while she went to the bar for more. It was an ice cold can of Red Stripe, normally a staple gig swig but there was no desire (or indeed point) to have a mouthful.
The real challenges will come eventually; some good news to celebrate or bad news to commiserate but I am bang up for it. I felt a huge relief and joy when I quit smoking last year and the same feeling is welling up for quitting alcohol too.