Monday, 28 April 2014

The key to happiness

Being happy is more or less a personal choice. You don't need to rely on anyone or anything for your happiness.

You ever notice when you run through in your mind an argument you've had (or are planning to have) you can feel yourself getting angry or wound up? You can sense your pulse quicken and that unmistakable well of injustice rising in your belly.

That's you choosing to be angry.

When you think about a terrible tragedy befalling a loved one you can feel the emotions stir, a lump might even form in your throat.

You're choosing to be sad. An imaginary situation is making you feel real emotions.

Try, instead, to make a habit of choosing to be happy. Think about happy memories, imagine yourself surprising a loved one with a gift, day dream amazing scenarios. 

You can also try these things, they all work for me;
  • Take the stairs
  • Don't smoke
  • Walk and run more
  • Eat less shitty processed foods
  • Don't watch TV
  • Sit up straight
  • Listen to people
  • Don't hold a grudge
  • Stop putting that thing off
  • Learn a creative skill
  • Drink more water
  • Take a break from the booze
  • Don't make your life about the pursuit of money
  • Smile


My blog has been viewed

Someone actually read a few posts and now I'm self-concious about what I'm posting.

This is probably something I should get over if I want to become known for what I write.

Friday, 18 April 2014

First day of Spring

Not a cloud in the sky today and it's actually warm therefore Spring is declared OPEN.

I was sitting on the balcony at work catching some sun and my mind wandered to all the springs and summers I wasted in my teens and twenties. Sitting about doing fuck all as if I'd worked hard all winter and had earned a break.

I've suddenly, in my 35th year, become aware of the passing of time and what I've chosen to fill it with. While I occasionally think of the opportunities I've wasted over the years I don't dwell on them. I don't let it affect me because what's important is what I (and you) do from now. This moment right now and all the moments to come are what will define us.

Make them count.

(I've not blogged in ages but I've done a lot since then so I'll catch up. I'll also try and write something every day or so. Some topics are: the new guy at work, the girl I met in California, my business ideas and some bullshit about motivation)

(Who the fuck am I speaking to? Literally no one reads this)